New technology is created every day in our modern world, with new breakthroughs always around the corner. Technology makes things easier. It’s a fact of life. That’s why it’s everywhere you go—at home, at school, in our hands as we walk around. And at work. Which is where the problem comes in.

New jobs are geared with technology in mind, while companies try to find ways to automate existing jobs as much as possible. All that tech costs a lot of money upfront, but it saves businesses money in the long run. A robot or some sort of computerized device never quits (or need to be fired), never complains, never goes on strike or says “no” to a task. Human workers, on the other hand, are pretty high maintenance by comparison!


Some predict that within a few short years the need for human labor will drop quite a lot. In fact, up to 90% of all jobs are impacted by technology, artificial intelligence and the impact of automation in one way or another already. Manufacturing jobs are probably the most at risk.

So what’s safe? For starters, jobs requiring the most soft skills. Robots and AI can’t simulate all professions such as consultants, counselors, therapists or social workers. They’re also not good with jobs like marketing, business development or other human resources. In other words, robots aren’t great at doing jobs that deal directly with people and their emotions! Skills like emotional intelligence, creativity and leadership will keep humans being in demand.

Bottom Line

Robots may start kicking out burgers and fries, but they’ll never master the nuances of cooking specialty items. Self-checkout kiosks may replace cashiers, but people will still be needed to deliver exceptional guest service. Amazon drones may deliver packages to your doorstep, but somebody will still have to put together a marketing campaign to entice you to make the purchase.

So the best jobs will be at the intersection where technology and consumers meet, but a living, breathing person is necessary to fill a particular gap. There’s always a need for people in the world. We aren’t going to totally replace ourselves. But we can’t compete with technology. We just have to embrace the modern world and adapt ourselves to new technologies.