October 13th QSR Roundup: From Reviving Ancestral Cuisine to Wage Debates

October 13th QSR Roundup: From Reviving Ancestral Cuisine to Wage Debates
QSR news for Oct 13th, 2024. We reviewed 20 QSR publications, 6 subreddits, and over 11 articles to bring you the latest. Estimated reading time saved (at 200wpm): 33 minutes. It'll take you only 8 minutes to catch up.

Reviving Ancestral Cuisine: Xokol's Journey to Cultural Preservation

In the vibrant city of Guadalajara, a unique dining experience awaits at Xokol, where chefs Xrysw Ruelas and Óscar Segundo are on a mission to redefine fine dining through the lens of indigenous Mexican cuisine. Stepping into Xokol feels like entering a ceremonial space, with a dark, intimate dining room adorned with suspended corn cobs and a long oak table that seats up to 50 guests.

Their approach is a departure from the typical modern interpretations of Mexican food. Instead of serving common dishes like tacos or burritos, they focus on ancestral ingredients and cooking techniques. Heirloom corn takes center stage, celebrated in various forms throughout their menu. One standout dish is a Peruvian ceviche infused with spirulina, showcasing their creativity and commitment to indigenous ingredients.

  • Family Heritage: Many recipes come straight from their families, like the sendecho, a traditional fermented beverage that connects guests to generations of culinary tradition.
  • Cultural Preservation: Xokol is more than a restaurant; it's a cultural preservation effort. The chefs are passionate about keeping indigenous food practices alive and sharing them with the world.
  • Emotional Dining Experience: Diners often find the experience moving, as the chefs aim to nourish not just the body but also the soul, emphasizing that “It’s not business, it’s to nourish people.”

Their dedication has not gone unnoticed, earning recognition from culinary icons and sparking conversations about the importance of preserving indigenous cultures through food.

Source: Salon

Hiring the right general manager (GM) can make or break a restaurant. A recent discussion among restaurant owners sheds light on effective strategies for interviewing and selecting the best candidates.

  • Beware of Insecurity: Candidates who display insecurity may surround themselves with less qualified staff to avoid being outshone, which can create a toxic work environment.
  • Ask Behavioral Questions: Inquire about past situations where things didn't go as planned to gauge their problem-solving abilities and resilience.
  • Check References Thoroughly: Speaking with past employers can provide authentic insights into a candidate's performance and work ethic.
  • Consider Ownership Stakes: Offering a financial stake in the business can align a GM's success with the restaurant's performance, fostering greater commitment.
  • Implement Trial Shifts: Observing candidates during trial shifts allows owners to see how they interact with staff and handle real-world scenarios.
  • Competitive Compensation Matters: To attract top talent, some owners believe in offering high salaries (e.g., $250k/year), emphasizing the importance of investing in leadership.
  • Prioritize Key Skills: Effective GMs should excel in customer service, controlling costs of goods sold (COGS), and labor management, as these areas significantly impact profitability.

The consensus is that a combination of character assessment, practical evaluation, and fair compensation is crucial in finding a GM who will drive the restaurant's success.

Source: /r/restaurantowners

The Salt and Pepper Debate: Enhancing or Hindering the Dining Experience?

A lively discussion has emerged among restaurant owners and patrons regarding the presence of salt and pepper shakers on tables.

Key Insights:

  • Aesthetic and Theft Concerns: Some restaurants avoid placing shakers on tables to maintain a sleek appearance and reduce the risk of theft, expecting patrons to request them if needed.
  • Confidence in Seasoning: Many chefs believe their dishes are perfectly seasoned, and providing shakers might suggest otherwise. However, servers note that it's acceptable for guests to ask without it being insulting.
  • High Theft Rates: Owners report frequent theft of shakers, silverware, and even decor, which increases operational costs and leads to the decision to remove shakers from tables.
  • Service on Request: To balance presentation and customer needs, some establishments offer high-quality salt and pepper in ramekins upon request.
  • Customer Preferences: While some patrons appreciate immediate access to adjust seasoning, others trust the chef's expertise. The absence of shakers can sometimes lead to unnecessary complaints before tasting the food.

Interestingly, some point out that the trend of removing shakers began during the COVID-19 pandemic, adding another layer to the debate.

Source: /r/restaurantowners

Sick Days vs. Shift Trades: Balancing Staff Well-being and Operations

Managing staff schedules when employees are sick is a common challenge in the restaurant industry. A discussion among restaurant managers highlights differing opinions on policies regarding sick days and shift trades.

Main Points:

  • Current Policy Issues: Some restaurants allow sick employees to call out or trade shifts with management approval. However, this can lead to staff shortages or overburdening other employees.
  • Working While Sick: There's concern about employees choosing to work while ill, potentially affecting team performance and guest satisfaction.
  • Penalizing Sick Workers: Opinions vary on whether employees who work while sick should face penalties. Some argue it's the individual's choice unless their illness is contagious.
  • Communication is Key: Suggestions include having direct conversations with employees who frequently call out or work sick to address underlying issues.
  • Policy Adjustments: Depending on staff dynamics, it may be necessary to revise policies to better balance employee well-being with operational needs.

Overall, the emphasis is on finding a solution that supports both the health of employees and the smooth functioning of the restaurant.

Source: /r/Restaurant_Managers

California's Fast-Food Wage Hike: Impact and Reactions

A recent study claims that California's increase in the fast-food minimum wage has not led to significant job cuts or price hikes. This finding has sparked varied reactions among industry professionals and the public.


  • Study Skepticism: Some question the reliability of the study, pointing out potential methodological flaws and biases.
  • Corporate Accountability: There's a debate over whether corporations are absorbing the costs or passing them on to consumers.
  • Personal Experiences Differ: Many individuals report noticeable price increases in meals, suggesting a disconnect between the study's findings and reality.
  • Quality of Service Concerns: Some believe that despite higher wages, the quality of service has declined due to understaffing and other operational issues.
  • Economic Tensions: The discussion highlights broader tensions about wage policies, cost of living, and their effects on the fast-food industry.

The conversation reflects the complexity of implementing wage increases and their tangible impacts on businesses and consumers alike.

Source: /r/fastfood

Ranking Fish Sandwiches: Quality vs. Taste

A spirited debate has emerged over a recent ranking of fast-food chains based on the quality of their fish sandwiches.

Discussion Points:

  • Criteria Controversy: Many users are disappointed with the ranking criteria, finding inconsistencies and questioning the validity of the assessments.
  • Wendy's Debate: Wendy's was rated low despite claims of sourcing high-quality fish, leading to skepticism about the rankings.
  • Personal Favorites: Chains like Arby's, Culver's, and even local spots like Arthur Treacher's were highlighted by users as serving superior fish sandwiches.
  • Quality vs. Preference: Comments suggest that personal taste preferences often overshadow factual assessments of fish quality.
  • Additional Insights: Some users shared interesting tidbits, such as McDonald's sourcing their fish from Gorton's of Gloucester.

The consensus is that rankings may not accurately reflect the true quality of offerings and that individual experiences vary widely.

Source: /r/fastfood

The Red Robin Lava Burger: A Visual and Culinary Debate

A Reddit user shared their experience with the Red Robin Lava Burger, priced at $17.xx, prompting a mix of reactions.

  • Presentation Criticism: The burger featured a single patty with an excessive amount of cheese, leading some to find it visually unappealing.
  • Taste Curiosity: Despite its appearance, some commenters expressed a desire to try the burger, intrigued by its unique presentation.
  • Alternative Suggestions: One user recommended an alternative burger style from Red Robin that they found satisfactory.
  • Mixed Impressions of the Chain: Opinions about Red Robin varied, with some sharing past negative experiences and others remaining loyal to certain menu items.
  • Debate on Value: The price point sparked discussions about whether the burger offered good value for money considering its ingredients and presentation.

This exchange highlights how food presentation can significantly impact customer perceptions and the overall dining experience.

Source: /r/restaurant

Tipping and Service Expectations: A Two-Way Street

A heated discussion emerged around the expectations placed on servers and the role of tipping in the restaurant industry.

Key Themes:

  • Server Attitudes: The original post suggested that servers aren't obligated to provide friendly service if they feel unappreciated, sparking disagreement.
  • Professionalism Matters: Many commenters argued that maintaining a welcoming attitude is a fundamental part of a server's job, regardless of tipping habits.
  • Tipping Reflects Service: There's a consensus that tips are a reflection of the quality of service received, and exceptional service should be the goal.
  • Customer Perceptions: Some servers expressed frustration over being seen merely as food carriers, emphasizing the importance of creating a positive dining experience.
  • Tipping Culture Pressure: Others pointed out that the reliance on tipping can create unrealistic expectations for both servers and customers.

The conversation underscores the complexities of the tipping system and the mutual responsibilities of staff and patrons in fostering a pleasant dining environment.

Source: /r/restaurant

Entertainment and Insurance: Bars Facing High Costs Due to DJs

Bar owners are grappling with increased insurance premiums when hosting DJs and live entertainment.


  • Perceived High Risk: Insurance companies classify venues with DJs as higher risk due to potential for larger crowds and late-night hours, regardless of actual attendance.
  • Liability Concerns: There's a fear of incidents associated with entertainment events, such as fights or accidents, which raises liability issues.
  • Costly Coverage: Owners report difficulties finding affordable insurance, with some being denied coverage altogether when they mention hosting DJs.
  • Practical Solutions:
    • Eliminating DJs: Some consider dropping DJs in favor of less risky entertainment options like jukebox nights.
    • Specialized Providers: Seeking out insurers who specialize in hospitality or entertainment venues, like Bricktown Insurance, might offer better rates.
    • Music Choices: Adjusting the type of music played to attract different crowds can also mitigate risk.

Overall, bar owners are weighing the benefits of hosting DJs against the increased insurance costs, seeking strategies to balance entertainment offerings with financial viability.

Source: /r/BarOwners

A bar owner in Ohio sought advice on the necessity of obtaining a music license for hosting karaoke and live music, after being contacted by Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI).

Important Takeaways:

  • Licensing is Mandatory: Commenters unanimously agree that venues must secure proper licenses to legally host live music or karaoke.
  • Potential Fines: Failure to comply can result in hefty fines, with mentions of $7,500 for each unlicensed song played.
  • Negotiation Tips:
    • Fees can often be negotiated down to about 25% of the initial quote.
    • It's advisable to reach out to all major licensing agencies (BMI, ASCAP, SESAC) proactively.
  • Navigating Compliance:
    • AI-Generated Music: Some express curiosity about using AI music to circumvent licensing, though legalities remain unclear.
    • Alternatives: Using a jukebox with included licensing or opting for licensed karaoke services can simplify compliance.
  • Shared Experiences: Owners who tried to fight licensing requirements found it costly and stressful, with many recommending compliance as the less burdensome path.

The consensus is clear: securing the necessary licenses is crucial to avoid legal troubles and financial penalties.

Source: /r/BarOwners

Weathering Economic Storms: Bar Owners Compare Past and Present Challenges

Bar owners are reflecting on the current economic climate, debating whether it's more challenging than during the Great Recession.

Perspectives Shared:

  • Increased Costs: Owners report facing higher costs for supplies, labor, and other operational expenses, squeezing profit margins.
  • Labor Shortages: Finding and retaining reliable staff has become more difficult, impacting service quality and operational efficiency.
  • Changing Consumer Behavior:
    • Reduced Frequency: Customers aren't visiting bars as often as before.
    • Shift in Preferences: There's a noticeable trend of younger patrons drinking less alcohol, affecting sales.
    • Rise of Delivery: Food delivery services are changing how consumers engage with restaurants and bars.
  • Recovery Hopes: Some owners remain optimistic, noting slight improvements and hoping for stabilization as the economy adjusts.

Although experiences vary, there's a consensus that the current economic conditions present significant challenges, requiring adaptability and resilience from bar owners.

Source: /r/BarOwners

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